Exploring the Connection: Community engagement and college completion


Colleges and universities face the significant challenge to help students from all backgrounds enter and complete college in a timely manner. This webinar will highlight the potential that community engagement offers to increase college completion rates, using specific research studies that have contributed to the growing body of evidence that connects community engagement with student success for all students. Lynn E. Pelco, Ph.D., is associate vice provost for community engagement in the Division of Community Engagement at Virginia Commonwealth University where she also directs the Office of Service-Learning. She earned her Ph.D. in school psychology from the Pennsylvania State University and has held clinical, administrative and faculty appointments at the University of South Australia, Bucknell University, The College of William and Mary, and The Pennsylvania State University School of Medicine. Her research interests include university-community partnerships, service-learning, and university student development. Helen Rosenberg, Ph.D., is Professor in the Department of Sociology/Anthropology and directs the Certificate Program In Gerontology at the...