University Junctions: Connecting writing and service-learning across campus


How can we connect writing and service-learning to achieve existing course goals like research, field-specific writing, and reflection in a way that will not bury instructors under a pile of grading? Our webinar will be interactive, so all participants are encouraged to come prepared with identified course goals that they feel might be advanced through writing. We will discuss writing across the disciplines. We encourage anyone interested in incorporating more writing assignments into their service-learning courses to join us. Rachel Morgan is the co-director of Cornerstone, a first-year integrated communication and writing course, at the University of Northern Iowa, where she also teaches writing and literature classes. She is the Poetry Editor of the North American Review, America’s oldest literary journal and teaches distance ed classes at Johns Hopkins University. She’s the author of the chapbook Honey & Blood, Blood & Honey, and her poetry has appeared in several anthologies and literary magazines. Deb Young teaches Cornerstone, a first-year integrated communication and writing...

CSD Meeting

Dartmouth College Hanover, NH, United States

CCNH will host our first CSD meeting of the year at Dartmouth College. We will be joined by colleagues in Maine and Vermont. We ask all CSD's to register through our Eventbrite form. We look forward to seeing you there!

Racial Equity Across College & High School: It’s about liberation & transformation, not diversity & inclusion


Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. What do these words actually mean for students, faculty, and staff of color who frequently feel excluded and marginalized? How can systems that weren’t built to educate students of color become places of belonging, liberation, and wholeness? This webinar will share real world examples and suggestions for promoting racial equity across college & high school. Mila Buckland is a first-generation college graduate, second-generation immigrant. She identifies with the pronouns she/her/hers and as Southeast Asian American. Buckland is the Curriculum and Training Manager at Campus Compact of Oregon. In her role, she supports Campus Compact’s Racial Equity Across College and High School (REACH) efforts; REACH is Campus Compact’s strategic initiative to build a statewide coalition and movement for racial justice in higher education across college and high school in Oregon. Her area of expertise is in gender equity and inclusion of Asian, Pacific Islander students. Kaycie López Jones holds a Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Analysis: Human...


In 2008, Campus Compact convened an intentionally diverse group of ten engaged faculty and staff who named themselves the Engaged Scholars for New Perspectives in Higher Education. Over the last decade, they have published and presented collaboratively and taken on new leadership roles in their institutions and the field. Many consider the group’s initial retreat a formative experience: in their words, it “was a catalyst for developing my scholar practitioner identity,” “one of the most joyful experiences of my career,” and a central element of “my story of leadership development and what keeps me grounded in the work I do.” In order to offer this kind of opportunity for more emerging leaders across the United States, Campus Compact is piloting a regional cohort in the Eastern Region this year, with an eye towards future replication in other regions. The Campus Compacts of the Eastern Region, in partnership with the Swearer Center at Brown University, are accepting nominations for up to ten engaged...

Community Colleges as Civic Power Plants: Generating, harnessing, and spreading civic power


Inspired by Eric Liu’s You Are More Powerful Than You Think and his notion of civic power, this webinar will introduce the concept of community colleges as “Civic Power Plants” generating power in the civic life of their students and campuses. How can community colleges harness their true public purpose by educating for democracy and sending it out to make a difference in the civic lives of the communities that they serve? This webinar will feature examples of civic engagement from across the diversity of the community college realm. Verdis Robinson is Director for Community College Engagement at Campus Compact. As an advocate of community college civic education, Robinson directs The Democracy Commitment (TDC) initiative as part of his portfolio. Before becoming national director of TDC, Robinson was a tenured Assistant Professor of History and African-American Studies at Monroe Community College in Rochester, NY. Mr. Robinson is a fellow of the Aspen Institute’s Faculty Seminar on Citizenship and the American and Global Polity,...

Students and Spirituality: Student motivation to do good


This webinar is an opportunity for Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC) and Campus Compact to explore the intersection of faith and service as it relates to student motivation to engage in civic engagement. Dr. Janett Cordovés will introduce the work of IFYC and research they have done around how students in faith communities engage with their campuses and communities through civic engagement. Dr. Cordovés will be joined by staff and students to talk about their experiences. Janett I. Cordovés, Co-Curricular Partnerships Manager, equips and empowers campus professional staff to be interfaith leaders. Prior to joining the IFYC team, Cordovés worked in higher education for thirteen years, serving in various roles including student support services, such as residence life and crisis response, as well as in academic initiatives with first-year seminars, orientation, and senior experience courses. Cordovés has recently completed her doctorate in Ethical Leadership and successfully defended her research on the influence of spirituality on first-generation college students’ level of grit and equanimity. In her...

CSD Meeting

Campus Compact for New Hampshire 3 Barrell Court, Concord, NH, United States

This is our standard Community Service Director meeting.  If you plan on attending please RSVP to Chelsea at

Placed-Based Community Engagement in Higher Education


Widely known through the work of the Harlem Children’s Zone and the federal government’s Promise and Choice Neighborhood programs, geographically specific community engagement initiatives have the potential to positively address the challenges of inequity and injustice within our communities. While we may be familiar with these types of place-based initiatives from non-profit organizations or governmental grants, less is known about this type of strategy in higher education. This webinar will include a presentation of a recent national study and the facilitators’ recent book on place-based community engagement in higher education, followed by an exploration of several of the most salient topics arising from this promising new strategy. Erica Yamamaura is Associate Professor and Program Liaison Coordinator of the Student Development Administration Program at Seattle University. A long-time believer in the use of service-learning and community-based projects as part of her pedagogy, she engages in project-based learning in graduate education in her work at Seattle University. Since 2013, Yamamura has also conducted...

CSD Meeting

Campus Compact for New Hampshire 3 Barrell Court, Concord, NH, United States

This is our standard Community Service Director meeting.  If you plan on attending please RSVP to Chelsea at

What Went Wrong? A Partnership Analysis Framework


Building on the 2014 “What Went Wrong?” conference, this session offers a framework for analyzing and transcending the wrongness of structures and practices in community-academic research, education, and social action partnerships that limit effective democratic participation and the distribution of power of those who experience marginalization. Susan Gust is a community activist and small business owner. In 2003-04 she was named a Humphrey Institute Public Policy Fellow at the University of Minnesota. She co-founded and chaired the Phillips Neighborhood Healthy Housing Collaborative a community-university and public agency research partnership. Cathy Jordan is Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Extension at the University of Minnesota. Her research focuses on community-based research projects that aim to address community-defined needs, contribute to social and policy change, enhance scientific methodology, and contribute valid information to our knowledge base. Brian Lozenski is Assistant Professor of Urban and Multicultural Education at Macalester College. His research explores the intersections of critical participatory research, Africana Studies, and cultural relevance, particularly in the education...

Integrating Civic Outcomes Across a Major or Program: Curriculum design and mapping for civic learning


In this webinar attendees will focus on identifying, articulating, and mapping civic learning and developmental outcomes (civic identity, civic-mindedness, civic agency, civic literacy, intercultural competency, etc.) for their program of study or major. A curriculum map is a tool to assure the content of a program of study or major is being presented and assessed, all content is linked to learning goals (e.g. institutional, accreditor), and that content is sufficient to reach learning and developmental goals. A curriculum mapping exercise can show gaps in learning, overlaps in content, and indicate where weaknesses or opportunities can and should be addressed. Anne Weiss has over seven years of experience in leading collaborative assessment, evaluation, and inquiry projects focused on resolving complex problems within higher education institutions- especially as it relates to civic or community engagement. In the role of Director of Assessment with Campus Compact of Indiana, Weiss develops data collection instruments, conducts literature reviews, performs data collection, analysis, and interpretation, plus advises...