CSD Meeting

Campus Compact for New Hampshire 3 Barrell Court, Concord, NH, United States

This is our standard Community Service Director meeting.

Summer Intensive on Community-Engaged Scholarship

Kellogg Center 219 S Harrison Rd, East Lansing, MI, United States

Attention: Early career, tenure-track faculty and advanced graduate students seeking faculty or staff positions in higher education Michigan State University's Office of University Outreach and Engagement is hosting a Summer Intensive that will focus on community-engaged research and community-engaged teaching and learning, including service-learning and community-based research in classes. The Summer Intensive is composed of interactive workshops, lunches in disciplinary clusters and with senior community-engaged scholars, dialogue with community partners, and time to develop your own community engagement plan for your return to campus. At the end of four days, you will come away with: Conceptual frameworks and scholarly resources Practical partnership, collaboration, and evaluation tools Perspectives from community partners on engagement Career advice from senior community-engaged scholars about promotion and tenure Strategies for publishing community-engaged scholarship Strategies for translating university knowledge for public audiences Support from a network of interdisciplinary colleagues Online applications due: April 5, 2019. Click here for application and more information.


2019 International Symposium on Global Community-Engaged Learning

Volta Serene Hotel Ho, Ghana

Michigan State University’s Office for Education Abroad is partnering with Adanu (a Ghanaian-led 501(c)(3) non-profit organization) to offer an innovative international  symposium on Global Community-Engaged Learning. This symposium will discuss best practices in the field of Global Community-Engaged Learning. Participants will visit Ghanaian community partners and speak with community members while learning with and from each other about key elements of Global Community-Engaged Learning, program design, facilitation, and assessment. Participants in the symposium will gain an understanding of: Key principles of global community –engaged learning Elements of successful community –university partnerships Intentional community-engaged learning program design Strategies for connecting U.S./Africa higher institutions in the field of community-engaged learning and teaching Possibilities and risks associated with Global community-engaged learning Program assessment and evaluation Click here for more information and to register.


CSD Meeting March 13th

Campus Compact for New Hampshire 3 Barrell Court, Concord, NH, United States

CCNH Community Service Directors Assessment Workshop Gavin Henning, a leading expert in assessment, is coming to help you understand and maximize the power of assessment in your work. This workshop is sponsored by Campus Compact for New Hampshire and is geared towards Community Service Directors and their colleagues in community engagement, service learning, and civic engagement. Arrival and networking begins at 9:30 AM followed by the workshop at 10 AM. Lunch will follow at 1 PM. We look forward to seeing you! Register today!

Equalizing Online Learning

This session, part of Campus Compact's Fusion Webinar Series, will focus on strategies for addressing the challenges in a remote teaching environment, including equity and accessibility issues; effective approaches for building community in an online setting and communicating expectations and strategies for student success. Learn more at https://www.compactnh.org/2021/02/25/fusion-drop-in-sessions/.

Preparing Students for Remote Learning and Assessing Student Learning in an Online Setting

The shift to remote learning this past year has highlighted challenges and opportunities for incorporating effective assessment and evaluation of student learning in an online setting. Additional challenges and opportunities emerge when community-engaged learning is at the center of your course. The goal of this session is to provide frameworks, examples, and resources for implementation in your own community-engaged online courses. This session is part of Campus Compact's Fusion Webinar Series. Learn more at https://www.compactnh.org/2021/02/25/fusion-drop-in-sessions/.

Flipping the Online Classroom

This session, part of Campus Compact's Fusion Webinar Series, will focus on designing and implementing courses with high levels of student interaction, engagement, and community-based learning. Find registration and other information at https://www.compactnh.org/2021/02/25/fusion-drop-in-sessions/.

Rural College Access and Success Summit

CCNH is excited to serve as co-host of the 2021 Rural College Access and Success Summit with Partners for Education, an initiative of CCNH member campus Berea College. More than 900 attendees have signed up to participate in the virtual summit, to be held on April 26–30. The summit is one of the few national convenings to focus on education in rural America. This year’s event brings together leaders from higher education, K–12 schools, government, and nonprofits to share strategies for ensuring that rural youth have the opportunity to transition successfully from high school to college and career. Registration and other information is available here.

Virtual Retreat on Leading for the Future

Save the date to join us and community engagement colleagues for an essential retreat, “Leading Community Engagement into the Future.” Date: May 25, 2021 Time: 9:30 am – 12:00 noon EDT Location: Anywhere! Hosted virtually on Zoom Registration: Details to come

Affinity Network: Rural-Serving Institutions

3 sessions, by Zoom

This affinity network is open to Campus Compact member institutions that primarily serve rural areas (an area that is defined, identified, or otherwise recognized as rural by a governmental agency of the state in which the area is located).

It provides space and structure for community engagement professionals to discuss issues of shared interest and in designing creative approaches to advance community engagement within their institutional and personal contexts.

Affinity Network: Minority-Serving Institutions

3 sessions, by Zoom

This affinity network is open to Campus Compact member institutions enrolling populations with significant percentages of undergraduate minority students or that serve certain populations of minority students under various programs created by congress.

Includes: Historically Black colleges or universities, Predominantly Black institutions, Hispanic serving institutions, Tribal colleges or universities, Native American serving nontribal institutions, Alaska native serving institutions, Native Hawaiian serving institutions, Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander serving institutions.

Affinity Network: Mid-Career Community Engagement Professionals

3 sessions, by Zoom

This affinity network is open to any engaged professionals (faculty or staff) who work at Campus Compact member institutions and who have worked in the field of higher education community engagement for 8 to 15 years).

It provides space and structure for mid-career community engagement professionals to discuss issues of shared interest and in designing creative approaches to advance community engagement within their institutional and personal contexts.

Affinity Network: Community Colleges for Democracy

3 sessions, by Zoom

This affinity network is open to any Campus Compact member institution with Carnegie Classification of Associate’s College, Mixed Baccalaureate/Associate's College, and Special Focus Two Year institution.

It provides space and structure for community engagement professionals to discuss issues of shared interest. These networks support members in designing creative approaches to advance community engagement within their institutional and personal contexts.

Anti-Racist Community-Engaged Learning Symposium

by Zoom

Join in a national dialogue with leading scholars on advancing best practices in anti-racist community-engaged pedagogy. This virtual symposium will feature morning and afternoon sessions addressing principles and practices of anti-racist engaged teaching and learning. What is the agenda? The morning panel will explore a Statement of Principles of Anti-Racist Community-Engaged Pedagogy developed by a four-university team. In afternoon sessions, leading scholars will share how their work relates to these principles. In addition, participants will explore how they can apply the lens of anti-racist community engagement to research and to faculty and staff development. Who should attend? This symposium will provide hands-on information for faculty, civic engagement and DEI staff, graduate students, academic administrators, and community partners. It is appropriate for colleges and universities from across the United States and beyond. The symposium is sponsored by Campus Compact, the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and Salem State, Worcester State, and Fitchburg State Universities. Learn more...