In 2008, Campus Compact convened an intentionally diverse group of ten engaged faculty and staff who named themselves the Engaged Scholars for New Perspectives in Higher Education. Over the last decade, they have published and presented collaboratively and taken on new leadership roles in their institutions and the field. Many consider the group’s initial retreat a formative experience: in their words, it “was a catalyst for developing my scholar practitioner identity,” “one of the most joyful experiences of my career,” and a central element of “my story of leadership development and what keeps me grounded in the work I do.” In order to offer this kind of opportunity for more emerging leaders across the United States, Campus Compact is piloting a regional cohort in the Eastern Region this year, with an eye towards future replication in other regions. The Campus Compacts of the Eastern Region, in partnership with the Swearer Center at Brown University, are accepting nominations for up to ten engaged...